I offer consultation and teachings to individuals and groups ultimately creating personalized wellness programs that grow and change along with them.

Whether it’s one-to-one with me, or taking part in my workshops, retreats, ceremonies, prepare to be inspired with a shift on your perspective of what well-being looks like for you, your body, your mind and your heart.


Experience mind/body integrations within the subtle energy bodies. Discover the subtle world hidden within nature.

Allow my guidance and natural experience to help you create your own wellness practice. 


Mastering and teaching in a variety of energy work techniques, I provide deep yet graceful healings to your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. Science has proven we are ultimately all energy. I create a safe and open space to shift the frequency of energies bring more lightness, freedom and wholeness.


As a teacher of teachers in an ancient Vedic mantra meditation technique, I can share meditations for all levels. Guided meditations, mantra chanting, ancient mantra seed planting ceremony (puja), I can find a meditation for anyone  who is open to learning more about this ancient wisdom. 


I have been honoured to continuously learn and research into many ancient and indigenous wisdoms and practices, finding a mutual reverence for nature. Learning from ancient India, to the Andean Q’ero people, ancient Hawaiians, to the Coast Salish people, and many more.

I am passionate about bringing simple, loving and harmonious relationships to all things in the natural world.


From specific nourishing foods, to sound healing and life style choices, Using this ancient science as a empowering tool to understanding your specific nature, helping you advocate for your specific choices in life. And yet at its core, Ayurveda is simply about how to stay in balance and  in harmony with the changing nature and world around us. I share parallels of modern science research to a variety of techniques used by these ancient people.

“Prepare to be inspired with a shift on your perspective of what well-being looks like, for you, your body, your mind and your heart.”

- Carolyn Green

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